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An information source, calendar and guide for the coastal villages of Montalivet Les Bains and Vendays situated in the Aquitaine region of France. Advertising Created and developed by Robbie Conder

You want to promote your business (restaurant, bar, shop) or sell a product, a service (rental of house, apartment, mobile home) on the web?

1/ An English / French page or two.
2/ Keyword matching your product and cost-effective SEO proposals.
3/ A bit of positioning on the search engines (google et bing).

So to advertise on

For more information, please contact us here:

E-mail: Contact Us

The concept of is to highlight the internet presence of the villages of Montalivet and Vendays on the world wide web.

An independent and information source and a photographic guide to Montalivet which does not depend in any way to the Tourist Office.